PDC4S:\D\Digital Tutors (digitaltutors.com)\Digital-Tutors - Animating with Props in MotionBuilder

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NameSizeDate Modified
project_files.zip258,724 KB8/2/2013 6:34 AM
11. Importing our FBX files into 3ds Max.avi15,869 KB8/2/2013 6:26 AM
10. Exporting the character's performance.avi12,241 KB8/2/2013 6:26 AM
09. Export our props.avi8,119 KB8/2/2013 6:27 AM
08. Baking the animation of the prop.avi11,332 KB8/2/2013 6:27 AM
07. Using the Physics Solver to have the prop fall from the character's hand.avi31,920 KB8/2/2013 6:28 AM
06. Finalizing the arm.avi51,614 KB8/2/2013 6:28 AM
05. Attaching the prop to the character.avi35,994 KB8/2/2013 6:28 AM
04. Animating the character's hand.avi159,243 KB8/2/2013 6:32 AM
03. Animating the character preparing to interact with the prop.avi112,259 KB8/2/2013 6:31 AM
02. A look at our assets and how to approach animating with props.avi38,313 KB8/2/2013 6:29 AM
01. Introduction and project overview.avi7,429 KB8/2/2013 6:29 AM