TC4S:\2022_2\Wholesaling Fast Profit Academy - The Young\Section Bonus - Cold Calling Mastery

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NameSizeDate Modified
08. How To Prepare Your CRM For Cold Call Leads - The Young REI.TS7,789 KB1/29/2022 10:31 PM
07. How To Set Up Your Vumber For Calling - The Young REI.TS10,855 KB1/29/2022 10:31 PM
06. Tripling Your Leads With This One Simple Trick - The Young REI.TS2,473 KB1/29/2022 10:31 PM
05. My Secret Auto-Dialer System And How To Use It - The Young REI.TS33,659 KB1/29/2022 10:31 PM
04. Sellers Cold Call Script.pdf92 KB1/29/2022 10:31 PM
04. Our Highly Effective Sellers Script - The Young REI.TS6,532 KB1/29/2022 10:31 PM
03. How To Stay Compliant With The DNC List & Remove Mobile Numbers When Using Autodialers - The Young REI.TS4,973 KB1/29/2022 10:31 PM
02. What Lists To Call - The Young REI.TS8,982 KB1/29/2022 10:31 PM
01. Cold Calling Overview - The Young REI.TS9,593 KB1/29/2022 10:31 PM