TC4S:\MetaTrader\TONS of MT4 EA & Indicator from\_MT4_Systems\ovenstone system and ea 04

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NameSizeDate Modified
ovenstone template.tpl2 KB11/2/2009 7:27 PM
Ovenstone System 04 alpha.mq44 KB11/2/2009 7:27 PM
Ovenstone System 04 alpha.ex44 KB11/2/2009 7:27 PM
Descr.WD32 KB11/3/2009 3:17 AM
default.htm2 KB11/2/2009 11:53 PM
@C=S_O=D2 KB11/3/2009 12:06 AM
@C=S_O=A2 KB11/2/2009 11:54 PM
@C=N_O=D2 KB11/2/2009 11:54 PM
@C=N_O=A2 KB11/3/2009 12:06 AM
@C=M_O=D2 KB11/3/2009 12:06 AM
@C=M_O=A2 KB11/2/2009 11:54 PM
@C=D_O=D2 KB11/3/2009 12:06 AM
@C=D_O=A2 KB11/2/2009 11:54 PM
indicators11/9/2011 1:56 AM